Available Positions
Community Outreach
We are looking for people who love people! Those who would like to go out and share what Willow Womens Center is doing with the community on our behalf. We are happy to train the right person on the ins and outs of our ministry. This position is flexible to work when you’re available.
Parenting Coach
Are you familiar with Parenting the Love and Logic Way? Or would you like to learn? We are looking for people who would be willing to teach these easy-to-run classes on evenings and weekends a few times a year. We provide all the training you need and the class is very simple to run.
Church Liaisons
Would you be willing to advocate on our behalf to your church home? A church liaison, would speak, on our behalf, to their pastor about hosting a diaper drive, baby bottle fundraiser and/or advertising our upcoming events. This position is flexible and is only needed 1-2 times per year.
Board of Directors
We are looking to add to our Board of Directors! We are hoping to find a variety of people to add over the next year or two. We are hoping for someone who may have a legal, medical or financial background. The commitment is one 2-hour meeting per month and attending events.
Event Planning
Do you enjoy planning events? Helping with getting the word out about these events? Creating beautiful decorations? Then we have the position for you! We are looking for people to help with either our Annual Banquet or our Golf Outing. These positions are seasonal and flexible to fit your schedule.
We would love for someone to come in each week and help us with cleaning. This position would be flexible within our operating hours and would take 1-2 hours depending on the season. This person would be a huge blessing to our clients and staff.
Prayerfully Consider How You Might Help!
Please take some time to pray about how you might be able to help further our mission. Our volunteers are a huge blessing to our clients and staff (and our budget too!) If you are interested in volunteering to help us in any of the ways listed above, please reach out to Amanda at amanda@willowwomenscenter.org and we can schedule a meeting to discuss the position and how you might fit into this ministry. We look forward to growing our team!